Interview for Wouter Van Slobbe Oyister

Mar 5, 2024, 3:56 PM

This writing piece is about interviewing OYIS teachers and students to understand more about them. On March 5, 2024 we interviewed Mr. Wouter who is a PE teacher of OYIS.

So, first question: What do you enjoy most about being a teacher? Oh, good question.

What do I enjoy most? I'm about the connection I have with people. The connection I have with students and colleagues and with the school in general. That's usually what I find most meaningful about being a teacher.

Where did you work before coming here? I worked in the Netherlands, where I'm from, for six years. And before that, I worked in Barcelona, in Spain. Do you enjoy life in the Netherlands or Japan more? Oh, good question.

Well, the Netherlands is my home country, so I enjoy being there with friends and family. But Japan is more exciting because it's so new and, I would say, challenging. It's an adventure.

So I think I can't really make a choice between the two. Right now, I enjoy Japan more. What do you dislike about being an OYIS teacher? What did I say? So what do you dislike about being an OYIS teacher?Well, as a PE teacher, I would like to do many cool things in PE, many sports activities, and all that.

But we don't have the best facilities in the world, as you may have noticed. It works, it's efficient, and it's awesome. I would like an asphalt turf or artificial grass facility; that would be fantastic.

So that's one thing that, you know, if I had to make a wish, that would be it. What's your favorite sport? Oh, that's a very difficult one. I like all sports.

My favorite sport, I can't choose between football and snowboarding, maybe. I'm going to choose football. Soccer.

What is one thing you would like to change about OYIS?  What is one thing I would like to change about OYIS? Good question. I'm going to say the playground, maybe. If we can change the dirt into something like a field with grass or something that looks, you know, better.

Then that's the one thing I would change. But it's kind of the same answer as the previous one.

Thank you so much for reading this article! Check back and learn more interesting facts about students and teachers.

Interview to G5 Students in OYIS Mel Oyister 


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