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Sports Day!

Recently OYIS held its first sports day since the rise of the dreaded COVID-19… I’m sure after such a long period of just being stuck inside for the most part, and still to this day having to limit social interactions, we were looking forward to just running around with our friends.

Sports Day was held outdoors on a large field and students were sorted into groups by colour (by wearing shirts of that colour) to distinguish themselves. We played a variety of different games including tug-of-war, football, and obstacle courses. Overall the day was so much fun, and I had such a great time. We got to meet new people, play new games, and support our friends in their games.

I decided to ask some people what their opinions were on sports games based on these main questions:

1) What was your favourite event and why?

2) Did your opinion of Sports Day change much? Were you surprised by anything in particular?

3) What do you hope to see next year if we have Sports Day again?

Here are the responses I got…

Sophia (Grade 10)

1) Sports day was the best, mostly because we didn’t have to wear masks on the field. It felt like COVID was gone for once, it was nice. Also the fact that the teams included other grades and stuff, it made it really feel like a school event.

2) I wish it was longer and we had more game variety.

3) Hopefully a longer Sports Day, water that students don’t need to pay for (water cooler or something), maybe an inside or sheltered stadium, and way more games.

Felicia (Grade 10)

1) Probably the tug-of-war, because it was so chaotic.

2) Not really. I did think there would be more than three events, though; I underestimated how long each event would take with all the students that attended

3) Definitely another chaotic tug-of-war, definitely not a super humid, muggy, disgustingly hot day (even though that's probably what we'll get anyways), and maybe having free water for students.

Miya (Grade 9)

1) My favourite event was the soccer games. Everybody got a chance to play, which was fun, and the weather was nice so I had fun!

2) I was surprised at how I got to speak to so many more people! I got to meet new people which was fun, and I wasn’t expecting to have so much fun with my team, but I did. The weather was also really nice, which I wasn’t expecting.

3) The same thing? I had a great time, so just the same things, and more of the tug-of-war games.


So those were the responses I got and all in all, I would say sports day was a massive success! Of course, a huge thanks go out to Coach Mack and Ms. Sim for arranging this event and organising everything. Hopefully, COVID-19 continues to get better and we can have more events like this one in the future, as I believe they do a lot for bringing the community together, and encouraging collaboration and trust.