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ChatGPT: the Best AI Chatbot

ChatGPT developed by OpenAI is a super language model that analyses an enormous amount of text online and generates a response for the users. It differs from the Google search engine in the sense that it was built so that the users can converse with the bot. The bot has gained one million users in just five days, making it the fastest-growing application ever.

ChatGPT outcompetes other chatbots available online as its ability to synthesize information and generate personalized responses is overwhelmingly more advanced. It can be used to create creative poems, essays, blogs, lyrics, computer codings, movie plots, and much more. Many young students, including myself, have found ChaptGPT very useful in terms of asking academic questions, as it explains complex concepts in a rather simple manner.

While the performance of ChatGPT is unprecedentedly high, it is not a perfect model yet. The responses may not be accurate at times as the model has not acquired new knowledge since 2021. Also, it is questionable whether the further development of AI language models can replace human jobs as they require critical thinking and social skills. However, the future of AI seems unpredictable at the moment. Perhaps everyone in the future could have their personal Jarvis to manage their lives. Wouldn’t that be kind of cool?

To add some personal thoughts, I think the ability to synthesize information, which the IB puts emphasis on, may become less valuable in time as we can rely on quick and handy technology. The ChatGPT can summarize articles and books, and even identify literary devices in these books. It performs many of our school tasks in just a few seconds. Then, how should we prepare ourselves for the new era of AI? Perhaps being competent at using AI and taking the most advantage from it might be the new greatest skill one can acquire.


Ortiz, Sabrina. “What Is ChatGPT and Why Does It Matter? Here’s Everything You Need to Know.” ZDNET, 10 Feb. 2023, Accessed 22 Feb. 2023.

슈카월드. “5일만에 가입자 100만명을 찍은 AI챗봇.”, 3 Jan. 2023, Accessed 22 Feb. 2023.

Wan, June. “ChatGPT Is Scary Good at My Job, but There’s One Reason I’m Not Panicking.” ZDNET, 17 Feb. 2023, Accessed 22 Feb. 2023.